对吉林和大庆地区钢制轻烃球罐运行中普遍存在的多发性裂纹状况、形式、性质、影响因素、成因和机理进行了试验研究。指出介质中较高的H2 S含量 ,焊接区存在脆硬的粗晶马氏体组织 ,较高的焊接残余应力和壳材中S。
Situation,type,character,affected factors,cause and mechanism of regular cracks for steel light-hydrocarbon spherical tanks in Daqing and Jilin zone were studied.The results showed that the higher H 2S content in active medium,brittle-hard gross-grain martensite strcture in welded zone,larger welding residual stress,segregation of S and P etc.impurity in shell material were main cause for above cracks.
Pressure Vessel Technology