提出了一种采用模拟切削来绘制精确齿轮廓线的方法,它是基于AutoCAD根据范成法切削齿轮 的原理在计算机上模拟“切削”出一个精确的齿轮廓线,生成的齿轮廓线和真正的齿轮完全一 样,从而解决了 CAD/CAM软件中齿轮的精确造型问题.
A new method of drawing gear's accurate outline by simulation of cutting process is proposed. It uses the principle of cutting gears by generating method to“cut”a gear on microcomputer based on AutoCAD to obtain the gear's accurate outline, which is the same as a real gear. And the problem of accurately sculpting of gear will be resolved.
Mechanical Engineer