基于三角形网格划分 ,应用破开算子原理 ,建立了平面二维非均匀沙水流泥沙数学模型 ,并使用了平面二维非均匀沙水流挟沙力公式 .着重对河床冲刷过程中悬移质含沙量、河床变形和床沙级配等沿时空变化特性进行了计算分析 ,模拟了概化河道中床沙粗化层的形成过程 .数值实验表明 ,该方法边界符合良好 ,计算量小 。
Based on triangle mesh and splitting method, a horizontal 2_D mathematical model for uneven sediment is established by using a formula for uneven sediment carrying capacity of the flow. The calculation given by the mathematical model can be used to emphasize on sediment quantity, river_bed deformation and bed material grading and can be used to simulate the form course of bed armoring layer on generalization river course. The numerical experiments show that the method adapts to calculating flow and sediment transportation during river_bed erosion in the complex boundary by using small calculating quantity.
Engineering Journal of Wuhan University