目的观察低氧预处理对鼠脑局灶性脑缺血的保护作用。方法采用线栓法制备大鼠中动脉缺血3小时 ,再灌注21小时模型 ,分别观察单纯缺血再灌注、低氧预处理后缺血再灌注对鼠脑梗死体积、血小板表面α_颗粒膜蛋白(GMP_140)分子数的影响。结果经低氧预处理后脑梗死体积明显比对照组少(P<0.01) ,GMP_140明显比对照组少(P<0.01) ,单纯缺血再灌注组与对照组无明显差异(P>0.05)。
Objective To investigate neuroprotective effect of ischemic hypoxia preconditioning by focal brain ischemic models in rats. Methods Rats were modelled by thread embolism of middle cerebral artery (MCA). In this modelled a rat MCA occlusion (3 hours) and reperfusion (21 hours) model. The rats were randomly and blindly divided into three groups (normal group, ischemia vehicle group, ischemia hypoxia preconditioning group) and using monofilament to occlude the right MCA intraluminally transiently in rats. The rats were assessed blindly for neurological deficits. Then the infarction volume and the level of alphagranule_membrane protein (GMP_140) was determined. Results Infarct sizes was remarkedly reduced in the control group than that in preconditioned cerebral (P<0.01); The aggregation of platelet was limited in preconditioned rats (P<0.01), but there is no significant difference between the ischemia reperfusion and the normal controls (P>0.05). Conclusion Preconditioning has protective effect on ischemic cerebral.
Hypoxia preconditioning Brain ischemia Alphagranule_membrane protein Cerebreprotection