目的 探讨一种治疗拇指末节脱套伤的有效术式。方法 对 16例拇指末节脱套伤 ,选用拇指掌侧前移皮瓣、食指翻转皮瓣进行修复。结果 术后皮瓣全部成活 ,随访 3~ 12个月 ,伤指修复后外形及屈伸功能均满意 ,感觉正常。结论 用拇指前移皮瓣和食指翻转皮瓣修复拇指末节脱套伤 ,操作简易、皮瓣成活率高 。
objective To find out an effective method of repairing degloving injuries of the distal segment of the thumb.Methods 16 cases of degloving injuries of the distal segment of the thumb were repaired with advancing ventral skin flap of the thumb and a reversed dorsal skin flap of index finger.Results All the skin flaps survied and after 3 12 months follow up,satisfactory appearance,good function and normal sensation were presreved.Conclusion Repair of degloving injury of the distal segment of the thumb with advancing ventral skin flap of the thumb and reversed dorsal skin flap of the index finger has the advantages of easy performance,high survive rate of the flaps and satisfactory appearance of the reconstructed fingers.
China Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology