
陆地棉枯萎病抗性的遗传研究 被引量:2

Genetic Research of Resistance to Fusarium Wilt in Upland Cotton
摘要 本研究采用最小范数二阶无偏估算法[MINQUE(1 ) ]的统计方法 ,分析加性—显性—母体 (ADM)遗传模型、加性—显性—上位性(ADAA)遗传模型 ,估算陆地棉 8个杂交亲本和F1、F2 代各 2 8个组合的枯萎病抗性遗传效应。结果表明 ,陆地棉枯萎病抗性的遗传无上位性效应 ,有不显著母体效应存在 ,因而采用 ADM模型分析 ,加性方差为 2 8.0 8,显性方差为 7.35,母体方差是 0 .43,分别占表现型方差的 49.9%、1 3.1 %、0 .8% ;广义遗传率为 63.0 % ,狭义遗传率为49.9%。陆地棉枯萎病抗性的遗传主要是加性效应和显性效应 。 Researches on the inheritance of resistance to fusarium wilt of 8 parents and their 28 F 1 crosses and 28 F 2 crosses in upland cotton were conducted. They were planted in randomly completed block design with 3 replications in heavily infected field . The experiment was analyzed by the genetic model of ADM and ADAA by MINQUE(1) approaches. The results indicated that there are no epistatic effect and insignificant maternal effect were detected for this trait. Alternative genetic analysis of the genetic model of additive dominance maternal and its interactions with environments by MINQUE(1) approaches were made. The additive variance was 28.08, dominance variance 7.35, maternal variance 0.43 ,which were 49.9%, 13.1% and 0.8% of Phenogenetic Variance,respectively.The estimated broad sense heritability was 63.0% and narrow sense heritability was 49.9% of resistance to fusarium wilt in upland cotton. The additive and dominant effects were significant, and additive effect was more important than that of dominant effect for this trait.
出处 《棉花学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期170-173,共4页 Cotton Science
关键词 陆地棉 枯萎病 抗性遗传 加性效应 显性效应 upland cotton fusarium wilt genetic analysis
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