在借鉴国外生物光反应器资料的基础上,设计开发了一种气升式管状生物光反应器用于微藻的培养。通过对绿色巴甫藻(Pavlova viridis)初步培养优化表明,在半连续培养状态下,该反应器最高生物量达到1.18gdwml-1(细胞密度7.27×107cell/ml),生物量产量可达到0.13 g dwl-1d-1(每日收获细胞数量0.80×107cell/ml),有极强的抵抗原生动物污染的能力,可以实现自然光源和人工光源兼用。
A new type of tubular reactor is designed. The culture volume is 33. 6 L and surface/ volume (S/V)is 59. 8m-1. Air-lift is used for circulation of the culture. Dissolved O2 is removed through a gas-separator placed above the tubes. In the condition of semi - continous culture of povlova viridis, the maximum algal biomass concentration achieved exceeded 1. 18 g dry weight liter-1(7. 27 × 10 7 cell/ml)and a volumetric output obtained is 0. 13 g dry weight liter-1 (0. 80 × 107 cell/ml). The sunlight and/or artificial light resource can be used. The antiprotozoan contaminant ability is remarkable.
Shandong Fisheries