农业发展银行作为我国惟一一家农业政策性银行 ,势必受到“入世”后金融业逐步放开的影响。具体而言 ,既有作为“银行”而受到的经营环境、服务理念、制度、技术等方面的直接影响 ,也有因其“农业政策性”而受到的诸如业务范围、资产质量、经营效益等方面的间接影响。农发行应在做好收购资金封闭管理工作的前提下 ,从发展的角度去完善机制 ,改革用人制度 ,加强国际合作 ,转变单纯对粮棉流通环节的支持方式 ,从增强农业后劲、提高农业综合生产力的角度充分发挥农业政策性银行的支农、护农作用。
Bring with the accession to WTO,the Agricultural Development Bank of China must be influenced by it There are direct influence about environment,service idea,rule,technology and there are some indirect influences as asset quality,business realm and earning abilityThe Agricultural Development Bank should devote them-selves to agricultural policy finance research,and contribute to the healthy development of agricultural policy finance
Inner Mongolia Coal Economy