在一年中 ,分 4个季度 (每季度 3天 ,每天 4次 )对株洲市区具有代表性的 4个不同地点的生活污水水质进行了监测 .结果表明 :生活污水中的主要污染物是 BOD5 和 Inorg-P;污染物浓度有明显的时空变化规律 ,中午和傍晚前后的浓度较高 ,早晨和半夜则较低 ,冬、春季节的污水污染物浓度皆高于夏、秋两季 ,居民、餐饮业密集区的污水中污染物浓度显著高于商业区和混合区 ;污水中氮、磷主要以无机盐形式存在 ;目前株洲市生活污水排放量与主要工业污染源废水年排放量相当 ,CODcr、BOD5 总排量均高于后者 ,因此生活污水对湘江的污染压力不容忽视 ;该生活污水的可生化性 ( BOD5 / CODcr)较好 ( 0 .4~ 0 .7) ,COD/ T-P的比值多在 3 0以下 ,有利于生物除磷 ,因此采用生化处理法可以收到良好的净化效果 .
The water quality of domestic sewage in Zhuzhou City was monitored at 4 different positions for one year (4 seasons per year, 3 days per season and 4 times per day).The monitoring results show that BOD 5 and Inorg P were two main pollutants in domestic sewage and that with the alteration of sampling time and sampling site, concentrations of pollutants in domestic sewage changed in a certain pattern.Firstly, the pollution level in noon and dusk was higher than that in morning and midnight;Secondly,in winter and spring, the domestic sewage contained more pollutants than the other two seasons;Thirdly,the domestic sewage from the site containing thick population and restaurants was polluted more seriously than that from the business quarter and mixed parts.Over 60% of total nitrogen and phosphorus in domestic sewage existed in the form of inorganic salts;At present, there is no evident difference in annual production between domestic sewage and industrial wastewater from the primary pollution sources and meanwhile,the total quantity of BOD 5 and CODcr in domestic sewage has been larger than that in industrial wastewater.So,the pollution pressure from domestic sewage on Xiangjiang River should not be ignored.Higher biodegradability (BOD 5/CODcr)and suitable CODcr/T P value in domestic sewage of Zhuzhou City indicated that biological purification would eliminate this kind of pollution effectively.
Journal of Central South Forestry University
Zhuzhou City
domestic sewage
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD 5)
chemical oxygen demand(CODcr)
inorganic phosphorus (Inorg P)
total phosphorus(T P)