水稻田越冬代二化螟最早于 4月 2 6日开始羽化 ,其羽化始盛期为 5月 9~ 10日 ,高峰期为5月 13~ 14日 ,盛末期为 5月 18~ 19日。茭白田越冬代二化螟的始见蛾日为 5月 5日 ,比水稻田二化螟迟了 9d ,羽化始盛期、高峰期、盛末期依次为 5月 11~ 12日 ,17~ 18日和 2 3~ 2 4日 ,均比水稻田二化螟迟 2~ 5d。水稻田二化螟越冬幼虫的存活率和化蛹率分别为 67.30 %和 70 .0 6% ,茭白田二化螟则分别比其低 2 0 .90 %和 2 1.69% ;二者的羽化率差不多 ,分别为 90 .2 8%和 89.19%。水稻田二化螟羽化成虫的雌雄性比为 1∶1.4 4 ,而茭白田二化螟则接近 1∶1。产卵选择性试验结果表明 。
The over wintering striped stem borer (SSB), Chilo suppressalis (Walker),collected from rice fields started to emerge on April 26.Then 16%,50% and 84% of adults emerged during May 9-10,May 13-14 and May 18-19 respectively.The SSB collected from Zizania fields firstly emerged on May 5,9 days later than those collected from rice fields.The survival and pupation rates of over wintered SSB collected from rice field were 67.30% and 70.06%,much higher than SSB collected from Zizania fields.The emerging rates were similar between SSB collected from both habitats.The sex ratios of female male SSB from rice and Zizania fields were 1∶1.44 and close to 1∶1 respectively.SSB from both rice and Zizania fields mostly prefer to oviposit on Zizania plants.
Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis
浙江省自然科学青年专项基金 !(RCZX 970 8)
浙江省项目! (ASXM0 9)