对化学农药的杀蚜效果进行了多目标综合评价。结果表明 ,用 4 0 %氧化乐果乳油 1 50 0倍液在盛发前期防治效果最好 ,其次为 4 0 %氧化乐果乳油 2 0 0 0倍液 ,2 .5%功夫乳油 3 0 0 0倍液最差 ,4 0 %久效磷乳油2 0 0 0倍液和 50 %抗蚜威可湿性粉剂 3 0 0
The control effect of insecticides on R.padi (L.) was evaluated synthetically, the result indicated that the optimistic of 5 kinds of insecticides is as fallows: at initial occurring stage, diluted 1 500 times solution of 40% methoate EC is the best, diluted 2 000 times solution of 40% methoate EC is the next, diluted 3 000 times solution of pirimicarb WP is in the medium,diluted 2 000 times solution of 40% monocratophos EC is poorer, and diluted 3 000 times solution of 2.5% cyhalothrin ES is the poorest.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica