JGⅡ V3 0船模试验通用软件在船模姿态判断、航行要素计算、系统抗干扰、误差校正、编程及界面等方面都有其独到之处 .它支持CMZ 3B船模自动试验系统实现了对船模水平运动进行非接触快速连续遥测和实时控制 ,并作到了Z形试验全过程的自动化 ,具有较强的数据处理及绘图、显示能力 ,大大提高了试验效率和精度 ,为通航船模试验提供了一种有力的手段 。
The JGⅡ-V30 general software used in ship mode l experiment,has unique aspect in judging the stance of ship model,calculating sai l ing factors,the capacity of anti-disturbing,adjusting error,programming and the interface making etc.The software supports the CMZ-3B ship model automatic exp erimental system;realizes the rapidly continuous untou ched remote and real-time controlling with the horizontal movement.It also real izes automation of the 'Z' shape whole experiment process. The software is capable in data processing,drawing and showing.It improves the e xperimental efficiency and accuracy,provides the navigable ship model with power ful means,and takes an important role in Three Gorge Project navigable ship mod el experiment.
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University
中国长江三峡开发总公司联合资助的国家自然科学基金重大项目(5945 36 0 0 )研究内容