
新服务经济浮现 被引量:1

Yes,it's New Service Economy
摘要 “一个提公文包的人能够偷到的钱比10个带枪的人还多。”这是《教父》中老教父唐·科利奥尼的名言。几百年来,力量正在从暴力、金钱转移向知识。今天,大到上千万元的咨询项目,小到几十元一杯的星巴克咖啡,都逐渐为人们所接受。越来越多的人开始承认,知识与经验、情调与体验也是价值连城。 产品经济存在了上千年。原以为产品极大丰富总不至于成祸。但始料不及的是,降价已经使整个行业的利润簿到不能再簿,不断膨胀的竟是资源有限的成本,如山的库存几乎把整个行业逼进死胡同。为躲开价格战追杀的梦魇,制造业巨人们纷纷宣布——向新服务经济转型。 在新服务经济的方阵中,服务不再是仅为产品擦灰的破海绵,产品的整个价值链也将从制造过程向用户应用端开放延伸。当有人只想让他的屋子凉快下来,而不在意是买长方形或者圆形空调时,他自然愿为产业链合作的服务形式多掏些腰包。而对企业来说,由于贯穿了“以客户为中心”的理念,原来的产品设计开发、分销渠道、市场研究和咨询服务等部门,有可能成为独立的服务部门或服务行业;而企业只要通过网络把关于客户的各种信息深度整合,或许就会轻车驶向不同于别人的赚钱途径。 这些观念被定义成后工业化社会的典型特征。也许有人认为,对于工业化还没有完全实现的中国来说。 On August 21, Legend, the largest PC maker in China, released a new brand ofbusiness PC called 'Tianwen'. Legend's top executives hint that global PC manufacturing has entered the third phase: Customer Experience, and Tianwen was designed in accordance with thattrend. It is predicted that, due to Legend's dominant position in China's PC market, Tianwen should be considered as the rudimentary expression of 'Service Economy'.A few weeks after Legend announced it would adjust itself as a service-oriented company, China's color TV market was pushed by the price war to the verge of catastrophe. Similar prospect looms on the PC market as PC vendors frequently lowered prices to compete in the first half of 2001. Price war seems to be imminent and unavoidable. People cannot help thinking:'Will PC follow the same path? Is there a better way to take the place of 'Product Economy'?'IT leaders are now re-orienting themselves toward service. Companies deep-rooted in consultancy services are better off in dealing with the global recession. A new Service Economy seems to be the future for product vendors. Corporate leaders speak the word 'service' more frequently than they did before. But from theory to the real operation, there is still a long way to go. However, Legend has realized that it can hardly enter the listof Fortune 500 by merely selling PCs. Only by turning customer resources into sourceof profit can price war be avoided where there will be no winner at all.Kodak and Fuji are rivals. In China, the film market is dominated by three vendors: Kodak, Fuji and a China's nativebrand-Lekai. This situation has been inexistence for more than a decade. But on the film market, unlike what happened in air-conditioners, color TV and PCs, there is no price war at all. An explanation goes: Kodak, Fuji and Lekai are competing on film developing market, not merely on film product itself.
出处 《IT经理世界》 2001年第17期47-57,共11页
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