加强国家创新体系建设,促进科技进步和创新, 是实现社会生产力跨越式发展的重要战略举措。高等院校作为国家创新体系的重要方面军, 担负着培养大量高素质创新人才和直接开展创新活动的重大使命。高等院校在促进科技进步 ,提高国家创新能力方面大有作为。
To strengthen the building of innovation system and to promote the progress and innovation of science and technology are important measures to realize the quick development of social productivity. Higher schools and colleges, as an importan t part of innovation system, shoulder the task to bring up high-quality skilled persons and carry out some innovation. So higher schools and colleges should mak e more contribution to advancing science and technology and increasing innovatio n ability.
Productivity Research