刘禹锡《经东都安国观九仙公主旧院》一诗中的九仙公主是谁 ,是一个悬案。现考证出 ,玄宗胞妹玉真公主行九 ,曾结婚 ,并生有二子 ,就是诗中的九仙公主。洛阳正平坊安国观原为太平公主宅 ,后玉真于观中建精思院 ,即刘诗中之旧院。玉真入道后联系宗教人物和文士 ,陪侍游宴 ,干预朝政 ,在政治上与玄宗同进退 。
Who was the Princess Jiuxian in the poem of Liu Yuxi It was an unsettled case.Now it was researched that the Princess Yuzhen,the little sister of Emperor Xuanzong,was the ninth child of the family.she was marriaged and had two sons.she was just the princess Jiu xian in the poem of Liu Yuxi.Yuzhen joined the religion and was closely related with scholars and religious figures,and became the capable assistant of Xuanzong.
Journal of Yunmeng