目的 了解海南省吸毒人群与HIV感染相关的高危行为。方法 对海南省三市县戒毒所的514名戒毒者进行问卷调查,采用即Epi-Info6.0进行资料录入和分析。结果 戒毒人群中15-30岁之间占80.35%,其中静脉注射毒品者占33.85%,共用注射器者占静脉吸毒者的24.71%;1998年有2个以上性伴者占49.34%;未使用避孕套者占66.5l%,偶尔使用者占19.66%。结论 海南省吸毒人群中存在引起HIV流行的高危行为,应作为今后HIV社区干预的重点地区;同时还应对在校学生开展预防吸毒的教育。
Objective To study the high risk behaviors associated with HIV infection in drug users in Hainan Province. Methods Five hundred and fourteen drug addicts were asked for their related risk behaviors with questionnaires. Data were analyzed with Epi-Info 6.0.Results 80.35% of addicts were aged between 15 and 30 years;33.85% were injection drug users, and 24.71% shared injection equipment;49.34% had two or more sex partners in 1998.66.51% never used condoms, and 19.66% used condoms occasionally.Conclusion Results suggest that some high risk behaviors may cause HIV epidemic in drug users in Hainan Province. HIV community prevention program in IDUS and education among the youth against drug use should be carried out.
Chinese Journal of Std & Aids Prevention and Control