目的 :探讨凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌 (CNS)的菌种分布及耐药性。方法 :普通培养法及纸片扩散 K-B法。结果 :凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌有 8种 ,其中以表皮葡萄球菌分离率最高 ,占 41.2 % ,其次为耳葡萄球菌 ,占2 2 .1%。耐甲氧西林凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌除对万古霉素敏感率为 10 0 %外 ,对其余抗生素敏感性均较低。结论 :凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌如果呈多重耐药而耐受氨基糖甙类、大环内酯类、喹诺酮类等抗生素 ,临床不得选用 ,糖肽类抗生素可作为首选。
Objective: To investigate the bacterical species distribution and drug resistance of the Coagulose-negative Staphylococcus(CNS) from the clinical specimens. Methods: Classical culture and K-B method were used. Results: The species of identified CNS were S.epidermidis 41.2% and S.awricularis 22.1%. The drug resistance of the CNS to antibioticswas increasing, but no strains were found to be resistant to norvancomycin. Conclusions: If MRCNS resists to such antibiotics as aminogly coside? macrolides? floxacin, the first choice for the treatment of the infection from MRCNS is norvancomycin.