

The Study on Synthesizing Ammonia by Plasma Method under Room-temperature and Normal Pressure
摘要 在室温常压条件下,氮氢混合气体(混合比为1:3,流量为氮气40毫升/分钟、氢气120毫升/分钟)流经自制石英玻璃气套,石英玻璃气套上安装有一对柱面电极,此电极对与交流电源相连接,电源的输出电压为15KV,频率是20KHz(或50Hz)。流过石英玻璃气套的氮氢气体被高电场强度所激活,具有了化学活泼性。有一定平动动能的氮氢气体分子频繁地相互碰撞,可引发化学反应,能合成(生成)氨。室温常压等离子体法合成氨转化率影响较大因素有:1)放电频率;2)当放电频率固定在20KHz时电源输出电压值;3)氮氢混合比;4)反应气体的温度。 Under the cowhtion of on - temperature and normal presare, make the gas there of nitroge(N2) and hydrogen (H2) (mixtrer ratio 1: 3, whose volume of flow is 40 ml/min. N2, 120ml/min. H2)pass through the self- made silex glass gas - easing. The silex glass gas - casing is installed between aPair of cylindrical surf are electnde. This pair of cylindrical sulface electnxl are connected with a alter-nating curmnt (AC) supply source whose output voltage is 15KV, and frequency is 20 KHz(or 50Hz).The gas mdrire of nibogen and hydrogen in the silex glass gas- casing is achvatal by the high - intensityelectric field, and obtains chendcal activity. The pes molecules which have a certain energy of trans-lational motion (under the condition of room - temperature and normal pressure) frequently eollide witheach other, and may initiate chemical reaction and synthesize (produce) ammonia.The main factors which influence on the conversion rate of synthesizing ammonia are:(1) discharge frequency,(2) the output voltage of the supply source when the discfor frequency is fixed at 20 KHz,(3) the edture ratio of nitrogen and hydroge,(4) the temperature of the ndxture of reactants.
作者 曹国斌
出处 《吉首大学学报》 1998年第3期1-5,共5页
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 室温常压等离子体法 合成氨 生成氨 氮气 氢气 混合比 电场强度 the plasma method under room-temperature and normal pressure, synthesizing ammonia, producing ammonia
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  • 1Haruo Uyama,Osamu Matsumoto. Synthesis of ammonia in high-frequency discharges. II. Synthesis of ammonia in a microwave discharge under various conditions[J] 1989,Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing(3):421~432
  • 2Haruo Uyama,Osamu Matsumoto. Synthesis of ammonia in high-frequency discharges[J] 1989,Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing(1):13~24








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