通过盆栽试验和田间小区试验研究了 7种野生植物汁液及汁液与复合微生物、微量元素复合对辣椒生长及产量、品质的影响。研究结果表明几种植物汁液和汁液生物肥均能提高辣椒产量、改善品质 ,尤其在提高辣椒维生素C和降低硝酸盐含量上效果明显。其中 ,以臭牡丹、空心莲子草、接骨草和荨麻 4种汁液生物肥作用效果最好。臭牡丹汁液能使盆栽辣椒增产 2 3 6 7% ,维生素C含量提高 2 1 76 % ,硝酸盐含量降低 9 5 %。空心莲子草汁液生物肥使小区辣椒维生素C含量提高 2 6 9% ,硝酸盐含量降低 2 1 6 %。 7种野生植物汁液及汁液生物肥同时能改善土壤肥力 。
The effect of seven kinds of wild plant juice and juice bio fertilizer (JBF) on capsicum was studied by means of pot experiment and field experiment. The results indicate that both juice and JBF can increase the yield of capsicum and improve the quality of capsicum, especially in enhancing the content of vitamin C and decreasing the content of nitrate. In seven JBF, the effect of Clerodendrum colebrookianum Walp.(A), Alternathera philoxeroides Grisb(B), Sambucus Chienesis Lina.(C) and Uritica L.(D) prove the best. The yield and Vc of pot capsicum are increase by juice A by 23 67 percent and 21 76 percent, and the content of nitrate decreases by 9 5 percent. The content of Vc of field capsicum is increased by JBF B by 26 9 percent and the content of nitrate decreases by 21 6 percent. Furthermore, the juice and JBF could also improve the soil fertility.
Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University