‘巨峰’葡萄主梢花粉粒大于副梢 ,花粉染色率与副梢差异不显著 ,发芽率低于副梢 ,但花粉发芽率不影响种子的形成。主梢小花雌蕊在减数分裂后形成的功能大孢子小于副梢。同时开花前主梢胚囊的发育状况优于副梢 ,开花期正常胚囊率主梢也明显低于副梢。因此 。
The studies of the formation and development of the sexual organs on the primary and secondary flower cluster of‘Kyoho’grapevine were conducted,aiming at elucidating the mechanism of the low seed production on the primary flower clusters.The results showed that the pollen of the florets of the secondary flower clusters was smaller,though the percentage of pollen stained by acetocarmine on florets of both flower clusters was same,the percentage of germination on agar of the secondary flower clusers was higher than that of the primary flower clusters.The result indica ted that the pollen quality was not related to flower shatter.The embryo sac development with function cell in the pistils of the secondary flower clusters was more favorable than that of the primary flower clusters.At anthesis,a large number of abnormal embryo sac were observed in the ovaries of the primary flower clusters.As a result,at anthesis,a large number of abnormal embryo sac may suppress fertilization and lead to lower seed.
Acta Horticulturae Sinica