目的 研究番茄红素对大鼠食管癌的预防效果。方法 选用 Wistar大鼠 ,分为三组(单亚组和实验组各 50只、空白组 30只 ) ,实验组大鼠开始即喂饲番茄酱 ,持续至实验结束 ,二周后单亚组及实验组同时开始肌注甲基戊基亚硝胺 ( MANA) ,5mg/kg,每周 1次 ,持续 2 0周。分 5次处死动物。结果 单亚组和实验组大鼠食管均发生癌前病变 ,两组癌前病变的发生率有差异。
Objective To explore preventive effect of lycopene on the esophageal carcinoma in rats.Methods Three groups(nitrosamine alone group,test group and control group)were included in this experiment.The rats of test group were given tomoto jam for 25 weeks.After 2 weeks of the beginning of the experiment,the rats of the nitrosamine alone group and test group were injected with N Methyl N Amylnitrosamine (MANA),5mg/kg,weekly for 20 weeks.The animals were sacrificed at 5 intervals.Results The incidence rates of precancerous lesions on the esophageal in the rats of two groups has significant difference. Conclusion The results suggested that lycopene should have a preventive effect on the occurrence of esophageal cancer.
Cancer Research on Prevention and Treatment
广东省医药卫生青年科学研究基金资助 (B2 0 0 0 0 94)