目的 为了解创面分泌物标本的质量问题。 方法 按质量控制标准,对485份标本先涂片镜检作初筛,再作培养鉴定。 结果 485份标本中合格率为59.2%,287份合格标本中,培养阳性率为70.4%,共检出细菌203株,霉菌24株,涂片与培养结果符合率为78.4%。 结论 应重视创面分泌物的质量控制,结合临床分析细菌检查结果,以增加可靠性。
Objective To investigate the quality of secretion samples from wounds. Methods According to the standard of quality control 485 specimens were screened by microsopic examination of smears first. Then the qualified specimens were cultivated and identified. Rusults Among 485 samples of secretion from the wounds 59.2% were qualified. The positive rate of 287 qualified specimens was 70.4% with 203 bacteria and 24 yeasts isolated. The result of smears in accord with 78.4% that of cultures. Conclusion The quality control of secretion from the wounds should be emphasized by eombining clinical analysis with the results of bacteriologic examination to enhance the reliability of reports.
Jiangxi Journal of Medical Laboratory Sciences