沙角发电总厂C厂是 3× 660MWGEC -Althom汽轮发电机组 ,给水泵是所有辅机设备中发生缺陷、故障最多的设备 ,通过统计和分析设备故障是查找和解决影响设备安全运行要素的有效途径 ,对了解机组状况 ,提高设备运行水平有着重要意义。
The 3×660WM Turbine Generator units of 'Shajiao C' power station are supplied by GEC ALSTHOM.Among its auxiliary equitpment,B.F.P.(Boiler Feeding Pump)was the equipment on which the number of defects was top.It is an effective way to find out and solve the questions that affect the unit running safety through the eqipment's defect statistic & analyse.It is also significance for undestanding the equipment's characteristic and improving its health levels.In this thesis,the actual running status of B.F.P is introduced and the solutions of the questions are suggested also.
Journal of Jiangxi Electrical University For Staff