在全球经济一体化的条件下 ,中国银行业加入 WTO后面临的最重要的挑战之一是人才的流失。人力资源是银行业的核心资源 ,事关中国银行业生存和发展的问题。中国银行业的人力资源状况令人堪忧 ,而人才开发培训在改善银行业人力资源状况、提高银行竞争力方面具有不可替代的功能。博弈分析表明 ,在人力资源稀缺和人才流动性加强的环境中 ,建立、健全人力资源的开发与培训体系、激励与创新机制 ,是迎接挑战、提高竞争力的重要措施。
In the context of economic globalization, brain Drain is one of the most critical challenges facing China's banking industry after China's access to WTO. Human resource is the core resource in banking industry, playing a vital role in the future of the industry. Nonetheless, the human resource in China's banking industry is really worrying. Hence, the development and training of talents plays an indispensable part in improving human resource and the competitive edge in the industry. Game-theoretic analysis shows, under the condition of increasing scarcity and mobility of talents, estalishing and reinforcing the developing, training, stimulating and innovating mechanism of human resource is a key step to meet challenge and enhance competency.
On Economic Problems