目的 进一步探讨胆囊结石形成的动力学机制。方法 选用家兔 5 7只 ,随机分为5组 :(1)正常对照组 (13只 ) ,给予标准家兔饲料 ;(2 )高胆固醇组 (14只 ) ,给予含 1 2 %胆固醇的高胆固醇饲料 ;(3)高胆固醇 +消炎痛组 (10只 ) ,给予高胆固醇饲料加消炎痛 ;(4 )高胆固醇 +红霉素组(10只 ) ,给予高胆固醇饲料加能促进胆囊收缩的红霉素 ;(5 )高胆固醇 +动力散组 (10只 ) ,给予高胆固醇饲料加能促进胆囊收缩的动力散。结果 第 1至第 5组生成结石者分别为 0只、12只、4只、0只及 2只 ,第 2组动物胆汁中胆固醇和粘蛋白浓度、胆囊管阻力、胆总管压力均较第 1组显著增高(P <0 0 1) ,胆囊排空率下降 (P <0 0 1) ;第 3组胆汁粘蛋白浓度、胆囊管阻力、胆总管压力较第 2组显著降低 (P <0 0 5 )。第 4组和第 5组与第 2组相比 ,胆汁中粘蛋白含量及胆囊管阻力低 (P <0 .0 1) ,胆囊排空率高 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 除胆汁成分异常外 。
Objective To probe into the kinetics of gallstone formation.Methods Fifty seven rabbits were divided into five groups: (1) normal control with standard fodder, (2)1 2% cholesterol was added into the fodder,(3)1 2% cholesterol plus indomethacin in the fodder,(4)1 2% cholesterol plus erythromycin,(5) 1 2% cholesterol plus Dong Li San, a Chinese herb compound. All animals were feed four weeks before measurement.Results Gallstone developed in 0 out of 13 in group 1, in 12 out of 14 rabbits in group 2, in 4 out of 10 rabbits in group 3, in 0 out of 10 in group 4, and in 2 out of 10 in group 5. Compared with that in group 1 rabbits in group 2 had higher level of cholesterol and mucin in bile,much higher common bile duct pressure and cystic duct resistance,much lower gallbladder emptying rate ( P <0 01). Group 3 showed much lower level of mucin in bile,common duct pressure and cystic duct resistance compared with those in group 2 ( P <0 05). Group 4 and group 5 showed much lower mucin in bile,cystic duct resistance and much higher gallbladder emptying rate than those in group 2 ( P <0 01). [WT5”HZ]Conclusion Besides abnormal bile components, impaired biliary dynamics mechanism especially gallbledder emptying impairment contributes to gallstone formation. Decreased gallbledder contractility may be the key factor responsable for impaired gallbledder empty.
Chinese Journal of General Surgery
Gallbladder emptying
Animal testing alternatives