目的 :探讨国内角膜塑型术开展三年状况。方法 :复习并总结了 2 0 0 0年 12月底前发表于国内眼科专业期刊上的角膜塑型术文章 ,客观、全面地总结了角膜塑型术的临床疗效、治疗合并症及存在问题。结果 :经治疗 ,所有患者近视度数下降 ,裸眼视力提高 ,疗效与近视程度有关。治疗中伴有角膜曲率、厚度和表面地形变化。治疗中常见合并症有角膜染色、角膜溃疡、重影、结膜炎、镜片污染和异物滞留等。结论 :角膜塑型术是治疗青少年近视的可行而有效的方法之一。但目前仍存在某些问题有待解决。
Objective:To review the orthokeratology in China in last 3 years.Methods:The papers of orthokeratology published on ophthalmology related journals in China before 2000 were reviewed.Results:The orthokeratology worked for myopic reduction. The amount of myoipic reduction was depended on refraction status and corneal shape. The complications included corneal staining, corneal ulcer, corneal distoration and conjunctivitis.Conclusion:Orthokeratology is one of options for some myopies, but there are a lot of complication come along with. The Medical ethics involved in orthokeratology should be aware.
Chinese Journal of Optometry & Ophthalmology