从交易费用理论角度总结了制造协作过程中协作费用的分类和来源。对传统制造模式和网络化制造模式下的制造协作行为方式及协作费用进行了对比 ,并用系统理论分析了网络化制造模式下由于企业选择合作伙伴的范围增大、产品设计制造周期缩短、专业化分工水平提高、信息与合作过程的透明化对企业生产力的影响。网络化制造模式具有降低协作费用和提高企业生产力的优势。
From the viewpoint of the transaction cost theory, the classification and sources of the cooperation costs of manufacturing cooperation are summarized.The behavior manners and cooperation costs of manufacturing cooperation in the net-based manufacturing mode are compared with the counterparts in the traditional manufacturing mode.The system theory is applied to analyze the impact of the net-based manufacturing mode on enterprise's productivity from four aspects including the enlarging scope of partner selection, the shortening lead-time of new products, the furthering of specialization and the transparency of information and transaction process.It is concluded that the net-based manufacturing mode can significantly lower both direct and opportunity transaction costs of manufacturing cooperation and greatly improve enterprise's productivity.
国家 8 6 3/CIMS主题资助项目 (86 3 -5 11-941-0 0 8)