粮油食品仓厂一般易孳生虫害 .除应进行日常清洁工作外,可采用经国 家 批准使用的防虫磷,杀虫松,保粮安和保粮净等触杀性防护剂 .以获得安全,经济,有效 的防虫效果。
Storage or processing plants of grain,oil and food are easily infest ed with insects.In addition to rontine cleaning works,all contact protectants,su c h as high quality malathion,high quality fenitrothion,mixture of malathion with deltamethrin,and mixture of fenitrothion with carbaryl,that permitted by nation al authorities,can be used to get safe,economical,and effective control results .
Science and Technology of Cereals,Oils and Foods