任楼煤矿 72 1 2工作面是皖北矿务局任楼矿区第一个放顶煤工作面 ,同时又是巨厚松散含水层下缩小防水煤柱工作面。工作面煤层厚度平均 4 .7m,倾角 1 7°,通过对该面矿压、上风巷支承压力、顶煤、顶底板及巷道两帮位移观测结果 。
face was the first fully mechanized mining with top coal drawing in RenLou coal mine WanBei CAM, and also a face of reducing waterproof coal pillars size under water bearing alluvium. The inclination of the coal seam is 17°, and the average thickness of it is 4.7m. By analyzing the monitor data, such as pressure of face, strata behavior of stress in coal roadway, and displacement of up down coal, we concluded the ground pressure feature of reducing waterproof coal pillars size face with top coal.
Ground Pressure and Strata Control