聚能预裂爆破与普通预裂爆破相比 ,爆破效果明显提高 ,能有效地控制预裂缝的扩展。文中根据对实验结果和线型聚能装药效应机理的分析研究 ,提出了新的岩石聚能装药预裂切缝方法 ,引入了粘弹塑性断裂模型 ,优化了影响聚能效果的基本参数 ,并指出其在岩石预裂爆破中的发展方向和应用前景。
Compared with conventional pre split blasting,energy concentrated explosive loading method to cut pre split cracks possesses advantages of high blasting efficiency and better control of pre split crack expansion.Based on analysis of test results and charging mechanis,the new method of energy concentrated explosive loading to cut pre split cracks is introduced,and the visco elasto plastic fracture model is established.In addition,basic parameters influencing the effectiveness of energy concentrated explosive loading are optimized.At the end of the paper,the developing direction and application prospect of the new method are pointed out.
China Mining Magazine