
应用SSLP技术鉴定杂交水稻种子纯度的研究 被引量:3

The Application of SSLP on Testing the Seeds Purity of Hybrid Rice
摘要 种子纯度是种子质量控制中最棘手的问题 ,其检测方法从传统的形态法、蛋白质法等发展到利用各种分子标记鉴定种子纯度。 SSL P技术目前在分子生物学研究中获得了广泛的重视 ,本文应用 SSL P技术鉴定了 5个杂交水稻组合的种子纯度并对 SSL The purity of seeds is one of most trouble problems in controlling the quality. There are many methods on testing the purity of seeds. At present, SSLP have been applied widely on the research of Molecular Biology. In this paper, seed purities of five rice cultivars were tested by SSLP, and the results shows that SSLP is an accurate and reliable method. Moreover, the application prospect of SSLP was discussed. With Molecular Biology developing, SSLP will play more and more important role in testing seeds purity.
出处 《种子》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期8-10,共3页 Seed
基金 广东省"两系水稻杂种优势利用""九五"攻关资助项目
关键词 水稻 种子纯度 SSLP 鉴定 Rice Seed purity SSLP
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