本文对浙江省笋用竹主产区的病虫害进行了系统调查和研究 ,整理报道了浙江省笋用竹病虫害种类共 69种 ,其中虫害 :2纲 5目 2 1科 4 1属 4 7种 ;病害 :2 3属 2 2种。并记述和分析了笋用竹优势病虫害种类、寄主、分布及发生与危害变迁原因。参考文献 。
WT5BZ]After systematic investigation and research on the bamboo shoots disease and pests in Zhejiang production areas,the author categorized the bamboo shoots disease and pests in Zhejiang province into 69 species,among which pests has 2 classes 5 families 21 orders 41 genera and 47 species,and disease has 23 genera and 22 species.Here the author also recorded and analyzed the dominated species,their hosts,their distribution,occurrence and relevant causes. [WT5HZ]
Journal of Bamboo Research