利用晚疫病预测预报模型可以准确地预报晚疫病发生的时间 ,指导薯农适时适量地用药。比利时利用CARAH模型 15年来取得了很好的效果 ,消除了由晚疫病造成的损失并减少了杀菌剂的施用量。本文详细地介绍了该模型的起因、数据的收集和具体的运用 ,并根据此模型在中国的初步应用提出了利用该预测预报的建议。
It can forecast the exact epidemic time of LB and help the proper application of fungicides by using of LB forecasting models. In the past 15 years, great impacts had been achieved with the application of CARAH-Model in Belgium. Furthermore, the loss caused by LB was eliminated and the use of fungicides was reduced. The background, data collection and operation of the CARAH Model were introduced in detail in this paper. Suggestions on how to use the model in China were presented as well according to the primary application.$$$$
Chinese Potato Journal