
北方运动场草坪冬季加热保温技术的研究 被引量:4

Warming Turfground to Prolong the Growing Season for Sports Turf in Winter in Northern China
摘要 冬季对北方运动场草坪进行了加热保温技术处理 ,结果表明 :增温保绿效果显著 (P <0 .0 1) ,在冬季 (12月至 2月初 )各处理草坪地表温度比大气温度平均高 6~ 9℃。水加热 (太阳能集热器 ) +覆膜 (塑料薄膜 )处理增温保绿效果较好 ,其次是单一覆膜处理 ,而电加热 (地热线 ) +覆膜处理增温保绿效果较差。每周揭膜 (8~ 2 0h) 1次保温最好 ,而每日揭膜 1次不利于温度的积累。单一覆膜处理经济有效 ,简单易行 ,投资后的使用成本仅为 4 .90元 /m2 ,应是北方运动场草坪冬季加热保温技术中的首选方法。水加热 (太阳能 ) +覆膜技术处理虽增温保绿效果好 ,但投资后的使用成本较高 ,为 14.6 9元 /m2 ;电加热 +覆膜处理投资后的使用成本为 8.97元 /m2 。冬季对草坪采用加热保温技术处理后 ,草坪早春生长优势明显 ,且未对以后季节草坪草的生长造成不利影响。 Sports turfs in Northern China were warmed by the means of artificial heating for the root zone during winter (December to February). The results show that the turfground temperature in all the treatments were significantly higher than control and atmosphere (P<0.01). That was 6~9 ℃in average higher than atmosphere during December to February. The turfground temperature was higher under the method of heating water (Sun evergy)with plastic cover than single plastic cover and electric cables with plastic cover. Removing the plastic cover 12 hours/week (8~20o’clock)produced better effects on warming trufground than no removing and 12 hours/day removing treatments. The single plastic cover treatment was the best method for warming turfground in winter due to its efficiency, simple operation and low cost of 4.90 yun/m 2.As for trufground temperature, the heating water (by sun energy)with plastic cover was the best treatment, but the cost was also the highest (14.69 yun/m 2). The cost of electric cables with plastic cover treatment was 8.97 yun/m 2.In this study, The treatments had strong growth advantage compared with natural turfs and no bad effects appeared for all the treatments in late growth seasons.
作者 毕玉芬
出处 《草原与草坪》 CAS 2001年第2期22-26,共5页 Grassland and Turf
基金 甘肃省教育厅重点项目 (99zd -0 7)
关键词 运动场 草坪 加热保温技术 北方 冬季 sport turf warming turfground prolong the growing season
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