

Present situation of and development strategies for bed utilization i n psychiatry departments in Shanghai
摘要 据统计全市15岁以上居民各类精神病患病率达16.39‰;全市精神科病床8 560张,平均0.66张/千人;其床位使用率平均为110.04%,一般市、区(县)级精神卫生中心出院病人平均住院天数为200天左右。目前,本市精神科主要问题是布局不合理,各区县精神科病床分布相差甚大,每千人口平均床位相差38倍;精神病人平均住院时间长;人员、设施配备不到位。精神科床位发展应以政府防治为主,社会办康复为辅;明确各精神科机构功能定位,缩短住院天数;加强执业准入监管和质量控制,合理规划布局。 According to statistics, among citizens aged 15 and above in Shanghai, those who suffer from various types of mental diseases reach 16.39‰; the number of hospital beds in psychiatry departments in the city is 8 560, with 0.66 bed every 4 persons on the average; the rate of bed utilization averages 110.04%; and the average length of stay of patients discharged from centers of mental health at the city, district or county level is 200 days or so. At present, the main problems facing psychiatry departments in the city include unreasonable distribution, large difference in the number of beds between psychiatry departments in various districts and counties(a difference of 38 times in the average number of beds per thousand people), exceedingly great average length of stay, insufficient staffing of personnel and installation of equipment. The development strategies for bed utilization in psychiatry departments include: putting stress on prevention and treatment by the government, with the running of rehabilitation centers by society as subsidiary; defining the specific functions of each psychiatry department and shortening the length of stay; and strengthening the supervision of professional accreditation and quality control and striving for rational planning and distribution.
作者 赵蓉 倪思明
机构地区 上海市卫生局
出处 《中华医院管理杂志》 2001年第9期554-555,共2页 Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration
关键词 精神科 上海市 床位 发展策略 Psychiatry department, Shanghai Hospital bed Development strategy
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