针对渐消记忆递推回归自适应算法中权矩阵的形式进行探讨 ,给出了新的权矩阵形式 ,赋予权系数 β更明确的物理意义 ,为进一步对权系数 β进行寻优奠定了基础。并以某热连轧机组设定与自适应控制为背景 ,给邮了仪表精度E与权系数
The present paper discusses the form of weight matrix in the self adaptive algorithm of gradual memory erase and recursion and assigns a clear definition to the weight matrix β, thus laying a solid foundation for further optimum seeking of the weight coefficient β and gives the results of optimum seeking for the quantative relationship between instrument precision E and weight co efficient β on the basis of the setup of a specific continuous hot rolling mill and its self adaptive control.
Research on Iron and Steel