马克思、恩格斯和列宁论述了社会主义社会的一般特征 ,但并没有揭示它的本质。“一般特征”和“本质”是既有联系又有区别的两个概念 ,不能把它们等同起来。邓小平全面、深刻、科学地概括了社会主义的本质。这是中国共产党对科学社会主义理论划时代的贡献。邓小平的这一理论贡献 ,绝不是一时偶然地随口说说 ,而是他长期艰苦探索、深思熟虑的结晶 ,这有一个逻辑渐进的过程。通过这一概括的逻辑进程的探讨 ,揭示了以邓小平为第二代领导核心的中国共产党做出这一重大理论贡献的艰巨性、必然性、重要性和科学性。
Marx, Engels and Lenin dissertated the general characteristics of socialism, but failed to tackle on the hypostases of socialism. The concepts of general characteristics and hypostases have similarities and differences, which cannot be made equal. Deng Xiaoping recapitulated the hypostases of socialism completely, deeply and scientifically, which is CPC's epoch-making contribution to scientific socialism. One of the Deng Xiaoping's theories is not spoken of thoughtlessly, but the conclusion draws on the long-term hard exploration and thought provoking. Also it is the gradualism of logic. Through the recapitulation and exploration of logic, it is proven that the contribution made by CPC led by the second-generation leader Deng Xiaoping is hard, scientific and significant.