我国西部自然、人文资源丰富 ,但经济、科技相对落后。这一特点决定了西部大开发应摒弃单纯追求经济增长的传统模式 ,以西部的特色科教体系为中轴 ,充分发挥教育对西部独特天人系统的保护与开发作用 ,以及对多元民族文化的传承与创新功能 ,构建良性的自然 /文化生态 。
The feature of the western area, which is rich in natural and humanity resources but rather backward in economy, science and technology, has determined that the Western Remake must get rid of the traditional mode of the pure pursuit of economic growth,but focus on the special western scientific and educational system, construct sound natural and cultural ecology and promote the comprehensive development of man and society. Thus the particularity of the western education has been determined, that is, the protection and development of the peculiar western environment and human system, and the succession and innovation of the multi\|national cultures as well.
Journal of Higher Education