
Dynamic Changes of β Tubulin during the Resumption of Meiosis of Mouse Oocyte

Dynamic Changes of β Tubulin during the Resumption of Meiosis of Mouse Oocyte
摘要 Morphological changes of tubulin during the resumption of meiosis in both mouse oocyte and fertilized egg were revealed by indirect immunofluorescent marking with monoclonal antibody against β tubulin. During germinal vesicle period (GV), tubulin was found to be distributed around the GV menibrane. With the disruption of GV membrane, microtubule complexes (MTCs) appeared in cytoplasm, first around GV membrane later to spread to other portions as well. Quantitative difference was noted among different oocytes. MTCs coexisted with spindlesformed by prometaphase tubulin, while metaphase tubulin polymerized into spindles and anaphase and telophase tubulin was concentrated in the two poles of the meiotic apparatus and the midbody. In egg arrested in the 2nd metaphase, whether maturing in vitro or vivo, all the tubulin went to form spindles with no MTCs left in the cytoplasm. After fertilization in vitro,MTCs reappeared in the egg cytoplasm activated by sperms while no MTCs could be revealed in cytoplasm after formation of pronucleus. As demonstrated by this experiment,cytoplasmic tubulin in eggs are polymerized chiefly into two forms: the star-shaped MTCs and the spindle.Cytoplasmic MTCs are the structure newly formed when the 1st and 2nd oocytes resumed meiosis. With colchicine disrupting the polymerization of tubulin, the maternal chromosomes,instead of orderly arrangement and orderly separation, either formed disordered mass or were divided into multiple chromatin masses. However, the penetration of sperm into egg, and decondensation and formation of pronuclei were not affected. DynamicChangesofβTubulinduringtheResumptionofMeiosisofMouseOocyteLIUHui;(刘辉)CHENDa-yuan;(陈大元)(StateKeyLaoboratoryofReproducti...
作者 刘辉 陈大元
出处 《Developmental and Reproductive Biology》 1994年第1期17-22,T001,T002,共8页 发育与生殖生物学报(英文版)
关键词 OOCYTES MEIOSIS In vitro Fertilization TUBULIN Micretubule complex(MTC). 卵母细胞 体外受精 微管 MTC 准备期 减数分裂
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