
In vitro Culture of Early Rabbit Embryos Injected with Foreign Gene and Its Retention

In vitro Culture of Early Rabbit Embryos Injected with Foreign Gene and Its Retention
摘要 Fertilized rabbit eggs injected with SMTPGH gene were cultured in vitro and retention of theinjected gene was studied using PCR technique and nonradioactive labelling methed. In a mediumof TC199 + 10% FCS, three quarters of the fertilized eggs developed to the blastocyst stage. Noapparent change of the injected gene was found before the 8-cell stage, after which it was eitherintegrated into the chromosome of the host or lost gradually. But finally, the retention rate of theinjected gene should be equal to its integration rate. Fertilized rabbit eggs injected with SMTPGH gene were cultured in vitro and retention of the injected gene was studied using PCR technique and nonradioactive labelling methed. In a medium of TC199 + 10% FCS, three quarters of the fertilized eggs developed to the blastocyst stage. No apparent change of the injected gene was found before the 8-cell stage, after which it was either integrated into the chromosome of the host or lost gradually. But finally, the retention rate of the injected gene should be equal to its integration rate.
出处 《Developmental and Reproductive Biology》 1993年第2期62-68,T001,共8页 发育与生殖生物学报(英文版)
基金 This work was supported by National High Technoloqy Grants 86310105.
关键词 早期胚胎 兔胚 外源基因注入 体外培养 转基因动物 Injected Embryo of Rabbit SMTPGH Gene In vitro Culture
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