小型机器人足球比赛中 ,由于所采用的机器人尺寸小 ,动作快 ,因此 ,视觉软件系统需要准确快速地处理图像数据并将结果提供给决策系统。本文利用图像处理和统计信号处理的技术 ,在视觉软件系统中实现了机器人和球的检测、识别、跟踪和预测功能 ,并对该软件系统的设计作了详细的介绍。实验结果表明 ,系统运行稳定 ,其速度可达到 4 0帧 / s,时间延迟为 0 .0 2 5
Because the size of the robot is small and its response is fast in the small league robot soccer system, the vision software system needs fast and exactly processing of the image data and provides the result to the decision system. The functions of detection, recognition, tracking and prediction of the robots and the ball in the vision software system are realized by using the technique of image processing together with statistical signal processing. The details about the design of software system are presented. Experimental results show that the system runs stably, its velocity can reach 40 frames/s and the delay time is 0.025 s.
Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing
国家自然科学基金 (编号 :6 0 0 72 0 2 6 )