提出了一种针对变速恒频电源电压交流畸变的新的检测方法。文中根据傅立叶变换理论 ,设计了采用 TMS32 0 C32 DSP作为 CPU、以 MAX12 0作为 A/D转换器构成的数据采集系统 ;探讨了信号采样频率和截取长度的选取 ;采取了基 2的 FFT变换算法并给出了软件流程图 ;
A new method to detect the extraneous frequency in the VSCF electric power source based on data acquisition is discussed. Fourier analysis theory is used as a foundation. The data acquisition system based on TMS320C32 as a CPU and MAX120 as an A/D converter is designed. The frequency and the length of data acquisition are discussed and the flow chart of the program is also given. The data acquisition is verified by experiments.
Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing