近年来 ,已经有不少面向对象技术运用于专家系统的研究。本文提出一种新的面向对象专家系统的设计方法。首先介绍系统总体结构 ,给出知识表示模型和推理机制 ,并且引入 RMG的概念 ,进一步提出运用 RMG完成推理过程的算法。最后把提出的方法应用于中西医结合糖尿病诊疗专家系统的开发。
In this paper,a new approach to object-oriented expert system design is proposed. It first introduces its architecture,knowledge representation model and reasoning schema,and then the concept of Rule Model Graph (RMG)and an algorithm for reasoning using RMG.Finally,it illustrates the development of an effective expert system for glycuresis diagnosis with combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Modern Western Medicine.
Microcomputer Applications