用数值模拟方法研究了工艺因素对硅铁在铁液中熔化过程的影响。结果表明 :硅铁浸入铁液至完全熔化分为两个时期 ,即铁壳期和熔化期 ;硅铁自浸入铁液至完全熔化的时间 ,随着铁液初始温度的升高、硅铁尺寸的减小和硅铁含硅量增加而缩短 ;如果按照铁壳期和熔化期来划分硅铁浸入铁液至完全熔化的时间 ,铁液初始温度和硅铁尺寸对铁壳期的影响大 ,而对熔化期的影响较小。
The effects of technical factors on melting process of ferrosilicon in liquid iron are studied by using numerical simulation.Two separate periods are identified:the iron shell period and melting period,after immersion of ferrosilicon into liquid iron.Also,it is shown that the rise of initial temperature of liquid iron,decrease of ferrosilicon size and increase of silicon content in ferrosilicon are to shorten time from initial immersion of ferrosilicon into liquid iron to its complete melting.If two separate periods are considered respectively,the effect of initial temperature of liquid iron and ferrosilcon size on the iron shell period is great,but on melting period small.
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