研究了采用硫化铜精矿生产硫酸铜、亚硫酸铵和铁红的方法 ,试验考察了焙烧温度、浸出酸度、浸出温度和浸出时间等因素对浸出率和浸出液铁含量的影响 ,确定了最佳工艺条件。技术指标 :浸出率大于 96% ,浸出三价铁含量 2~ 3 g/L ,一次结晶的硫酸铜达到了 GB43 7-80中一级硫酸铜的标准。试验证明 。
Studies the methods producing copper sulfat,ammonium sulphite and iron red by copper sulfide ore concentrate,tests the factors of roasting temperature,infusion acidity,infusion temperature and infusion time,etc.to the influences of infusion rate and ferrous content of infusion liquid,determines the optimum technological conditions.The technical indexes:the infusion rate is more than 96%,the content of divalene ferro leached is 2~3g/L,the copper sulfate by primary cryctal reaches the standard of 1 grade of copper sulfate in accordance with GB437 80.The test has proved that this technology is feasible in production.
Shandong Metallurgy