目的 :通过对高功率脉冲微波 (HPPMW )辐照后Wistar大鼠血清中睾酮 (Testo)、雌二醇(E2 )、促甲状腺激素 (TSH)、游离甲状腺素T4 (FT4 )、皮质醇 (Cort)、醛固酮 (Ald)及生长激素 (HGH)的动态观察 ,以探讨HPPMW对内分泌系统的影响。方法 :二级雄性Wistar大鼠 35只 ,随机分为 7组 ,每组 5只 ,其中 1组为空白对照 ,其余 6组为辐照组。用高功率脉冲微波源 ,以功率密度为 30 5 0W/cm2 脉冲微波 (频率为 5 .4GHz ,脉宽为 2 6ns)辐照辐照组动物。于辐照后 1h ,6h ,2 4h ,7d ,14d及2 8d分别采血 ,用放射免疫法在FT630放免测定仪上进行统一测定。所有数据经SPSS8.0统计处理。结果 :大鼠被辐照后 ,其血清E2 在早期变化不明显 ,但在 14d时明显升高 (P <0 .0 1) ;Testo辐照后 1h和 14d明显下降 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;TSH于辐照后逐渐升高 ,14d到 2 8d时明显增高 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;FT4 辐照后 1h明显升高 (P <0 .0 5 )后逐渐降低 ,在 2 8d下降到最低点 (P <0 .0 1) ;Cort辐照后 1h即升高 ,14d达到峰值 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;Ald于照后 6h~ 14d略低于对照组 ,2 8d恢复 ;HGH辐照后明显低于照前水平 ,在 2 8d下降到最低点 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 :HPPMW可引起大鼠血清激素水平的紊乱 ,既有早期影响 ,也表现为一定的持续效应。
ObjectiveWith observing the changes in testost er one (Testo),estradiol (E~{*-~}2), thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH),free thyronine (FT~{*-~}4), cortisol (Cort), aldosterone (Ald) and human growth hormone (HGH) leve ls in serum of rats irradiated by high power pulse microwave (HPPMW) to explore its influence on endocrine system. MethodsThirty_five male Wistar rats were randomly divided into seven groups,a normal control group and six HPPMW goups. HPPMW groups were i rradiated by 2 pulses (pulse duration was 26?ns)of 3?050?W/cm2 HPPMW with 5 minutes interval,while no treatmnt was given to control group.The left ventricl e blood was obtained at 1?h,~{*)~}6?h~{**~}, 24 ?h, 7?d, ~{*)~}14?d~{**~} and 28?d following irradiation, and were mea sured by FT630 automatic ~{*)~}radioimmunity~{**~} analyzer. All data were analyzed by statistical software SPSS8.0.ResultsThe CM(422 in seru m was increased significantly(P~}<0.01) on day 14,but unchanged at t he other stages.Testo was^CM)~ decreased significantly at 1?h and on day 14(P <0.05).TSH increased gradually following irradiation and increased significantly on day 14 and day 28 (P~{!<~}WT~{!=~}<0.05).FT~{*-~}4 decreased gradually and reached the lowest point on day 28(P~{!<~}WT~{!=~}<0.01) after increase at 1 ?h.The Cort was increased at 1?h and increased significantly on day 14(~{!<~}W TBX~{!=~}P~{!<~}WT~{!=~}<0.05).Ald had no different change compared with control (P ~{!<~}WT~{!=~}>0.05). HGH decreased gradually and reached the lowest point on day 28(P<0.05);ConclusionsHPPMW disturbance of serum hormones in rats and this effect appeared in early stage,and lasted a c ertain duration.It is inferred that HPPMW could injure the endocrine system of rats.
Bulletin of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences
军事医学科学院总后指令课题 ( 0 1L0 2 3)