目的 提高直肠超声检查对前列腺癌 (PCA)及其侵及尿道的诊断水平。方法 对 42例病理证实的PCA(其中 6例侵及尿道 )及 15例正常前列腺进行经腹壁与直肠超声检查、直肠指诊及血清PSA测定的对比观察。结果 直肠超声、直肠指诊、PSA测定与腹部超声对 42例PCA患者的诊断阳性率分别为 6 6 .7% (2 8/4 2 )、42 .9% (18/4 2 )、81.0 % (34 /4 2 )与 33.3% (14/4 2 )。对PCA侵及尿道的诊断阳性率也分别为 83.3% (5 /6 )、6 6 .7% (4/6 )、83.3% (5 /6 )与 33.3% (2 /6 )。结论 直肠超声检查如发现前列腺不对称增大 ,包膜欠光滑或突向膀胱或前列腺内见低回声结节与杂乱回声区 ,应高度怀疑PCA并应结合血清PSA测定与直肠指诊等综合判断。
Purpose To raise the transrectal ultrasonic diagnostic level of the prostatic adenocarcinoma as well as the urethral invasion. Methods Forty two patients with the prostatic adenocarcinoma and fifteen cases with the normal prostata were respectively examined by the transrectal ultrasonography, the transabdominal ultrasonography and the rectal touch. The serum PSA of each case was also examined. Results The positive rates of the transrectal ultrasonography, the rectal touch., the serum PSA determination and the transabdominal ultrasonography of the prostatic adenocarcinomas of the 42 patients were 66.7%(28/42), 42.9%(18/42), 81.0%(34/42) and 33.3%(14/42) respectively. The positive rates of the methods mentioned above of the urethral invasion were 83.3%(5/6), 66.7%(4/6), 83.3%(5/6) and 33.3%(2/6). Conclusion The diagnostic accurate rate would be raised if the patients who are suspected with the prostatic adenocarcinoma are examined by the different ways mentioned above. [
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology
Transrectal ultrasonography
Prostatic adenocarcinoma