目的 :探讨锁骨上窝部位臂丛神经鞘瘤影像诊断的最佳方法。材料与方法 :9例均经手术及病理证实为锁骨上窝部位臂丛神经鞘瘤行胸部及颈部X线平片检查 ,其中 4例同时行CT检查 ,5例行MRI检查。结果 :X线平片检查中 3例见锁骨上窝区有密度增高影 ,但界限不清。MRI及CT检查均发现锁骨上窝区有类圆形肿物 ,边界清楚 ,MRI能清楚的见到臂丛神经的根、干、束及肿物与臂丛神经及周围组织的关系。结论 :MRI及CT对臂丛神经鞘瘤均具诊断价值 ,MRI在锁骨上窝部位的组织分辨力优于CT。
Purpose: To investigate the optimal diagnostic imaging methods by analyzing image features of 9 cases of neurilemmoma of the brachial plexus in the supraclavicular region confirmed pathologically. Materials and Methods: All 9 cases had the chest and neck X ray, 4 cases had CT and 5 cases had MRI. Results: In 3 cases, X ray films showed an oval mass with obscure margin. The oval mass with definited margin could be demonstrated with CT and MRI Examinations. MR Imagings not only could directly display the mass, but also the relationship between brachial plexus and surrounding tissues. Conclusion: MRI and CT examinations play a significant role in diagnosis of the brachial plexus neurilemmoma, and MRI is superior to CT in the differential ability.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging