分析不同胎龄新生儿肾功能发育状况 ,测定了 40例足月儿 ,39例早产儿 ,1 8例足月小样儿生后 3天内血、尿α1M、β2 M含量。所选对象均排除了影响肾功能的外在因素 ,结果 足月儿血、尿α1M分别为 :2 0 87± 4 1 7mg/L、8 1 2± 5 2 0mg/g .cr;早产儿血、尿α1M为 :32 76± 1 1 46mg/L及 37 30± 2 6 1 0mg/g.cr;足月小样儿血、尿α1M各为 2 2 5 3± 4 32mg/L及 1 0 1 2± 4 73mg/g .cr;足月儿与早产儿相比 :血、尿α1M均有显著性差异 ;足月儿与足月小样儿相比 :血尿α1M没有显著性差异。结果提示 :早产儿肾功能比足月儿差 ,足月小样儿与足月儿肾功能则没有差异。α1M是检测新生儿肾功能的一项更稳定。
To stdy renal function maturation in different gestational age infants, we chose 40 cases normal term infants and 39 cases preterm in fants and 18 cases small for gestational infants and detected their serum α 1 M(S-α 1M) and urine α 1-M(U-α 1M) concentrations in first three days after they delivered. The concentrations of S-α 1M and U-α 1M in term infants: 20.87±4,17mg/l, 8.12±5.2mg/g.cr, respectively; S-α 1M and U-α 1M in preterm infants: 32.7±11.46mg/l, 37.3±26.1mg/g.cr, respectively; S-α 1M and U-α 1M in small for gestational infants: 22.8±4.17mg/l, 10.12±4.73mg/g.cr, respectively; both S-α 1M and U-α 1M in preterm were much higher than that in term infants, P<0.01; both S-α 1M and U-α 1M in small for gestational infants had no significant differentiation with that in term infants, P<0.05. So we certified that the renal function in preterm infants is lower than that in term infants and that the renal functions in small for term infants and in term infants have no significant differentiation. α 1M is more stable and effective for detecting neonate renal function.
The Journal of Neonatology