文章对“三个代表”重要思想的科学内涵及基本特征进行了论述 ,认为“三个代表”思想是对党的历史使命、党的根本宗旨的高度概括 ,体现了党的先进性 ,是对马克思主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论的继承和发展。
Having expounded the scientific connotation and basic characteristics of the important thought 'Three Embodiments',the author argues that'Three Embodimemts'is a highly scientific condensation of the Party's historical misson and her basic aim.The thought embodies the advanced nature of the Party and carries on and develops Marxism,MAO Ze-dong thought and DENG Xiao-Ping theory.
Journal of Shanxi Provincial Committee Party School of C.P.C